Healthcare Professional Websites

Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe

SCPE’s aim is to disseminate knowledge about CP through epidemiological data, to develop best practice in monitoring trends in CP, to raise standards of care for individuals with CP, to inform for service planning, and to provide a framework for collaborative research.

The cerebral Palsy foundation

CPF is the biggest foundation dedicated to the condition. Its well designed and easy to navigate website contains the latest research, publication and information.

International Cerebral Palsy Society

ICPS website contains an exhaustive list of publications and news about Cerebral Palsy and is therefore a great source of information. Regular seminars and meetings to discuss a pre-decided topic on Cerebral Palsy.

Cerebral Palsy International Sports and Recreation Association

CPISRA focuses on increasing opportunities for recreational sport and exercise, the development of adaptive sport, and facilitating national, regional and international sporting events.

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